Mr.Bruno LE DERF
Mr.Bruno LE DERF
International consultant for Pastry
Candy and Ice cream
How user-friendly is Digital Hand-held "Pocket" Pâtissier Meter PAL-Pâtissier?
- The PAL-Pâtissier is one of the essential tool in our kitchen now. It's very easy to use, easy to clean. We can measure in a few second the Brix and the Baume degree. For my case , I use almonst every day. Compare to the old manual refractometers, the scale of the Brix with the digital is more precise and easier to read. With only one tool, we can measure from 0.0 to 85.0 Brix. The measurement range is wider than the manual. We can also measure the Baume degree for all the syrup of sugar. It's useful now for all our work of candy, pastry and ice cream.
We appreciate your continued support of ATAGO refractometers.
- Visit Mr.Bruno LE DERF webpage at:
- http://www.brunolederf.com/