Digital Hand-Held Urine Specific Gravity    PEN-Urine S. G.


512.00 USD

Additional 10 USD for insurance.
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The Digital Hand-Held Urine Specific Gravity "Pen" Refractometer PEN-URINE S.G. utilizes the refractive index method to measure the specific gravity of urine. The PEN type refractometer is extremely easy to use. There are 2 ways to measure the sample : Dip the tip into the sample and press the START key OR press the START key and touch the tip into the sample.

Product information

Model PEN-Urine S. G.
Cat.No. 3741
Range Urine S. G. : 1.0000 to 1.0600
Resolution 0.0001
Accuracy ±0.0010

For more detail
