About This Site

This site is managed by ATAGO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "ATAGO"). Please read and understand the following before using this site. The content may be changed at any time without notice. Be sure to check for updated information.


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However, ATAGO will decline links to this site that it determines are inappropriate, including websites whose content violates common standards of decency. ATAGO does not guarantee the content of websites that are linked to on its site. A link to another website on ATAGO's website does not indicate a special relationship between the company operating the linked website and ATAGO, nor does it indicate endorsement by ATAGO of the company's products or services. When using links to other websites, it is the user's responsibility to review the website's terms of use and guidelines regarding use of personal information.

Use of Personal Information

ATAGO's website includes features that require customers to enter their personal information, such as the Contact Us page and menus for use by customers. Personal information that ATAGO receives from this site will be appropriately and strictly managed, and the information's use will be limited to introduction of ATAGO products and sharing of information about new products or tradeshows that ATAGO is attending. For inquiries regarding personal information, please email overseas@atago.net

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