This kit measures both the Brix and Acid levels to get the total Acidity to Malic Acid Conversion and sugar to acid ratio. Besides sugar level or sweetness, the acidity or tartness is another important element that influences the taste of bananas.
The PAL-BX/ACID 2 MASTER Kit provides everything you need to obtain the Brix and Acidity measurements of your grape juice/wine. No titration needed!
Anti-freezing solutions, or coolants are widely used as an additive agent in cooling water of a car's radiator, central air conditioning systems, freezer / refrigerators, cooling coil, cooling fixtures and more.
Medidores híbridos y regulares de salinidad y brix.
Todos los modelos de VISCOSÍMETROS de ATAGO, controladores de temperatura, adaptadores de ultra baja viscosidad y para vasos desechables.
Innovadores aditamentos para la industria pesquera.
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coming soon
coming soon