Chocolate has the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness. Chocolate is made by mixing crushed cocoa beans, cocoa butter, salt, milk, and other flavoring agents. The oil found in cocoa butter is of a composition that is not seen in other natural oils. It is sold below room temperature yet when bit into melts at from 30-35 degrees, slightly lower than body temperature. Because this nature chocolate begins to melt when placed in the mouth. Many manufactures use from 5-10% vegetable oil in chocolate in place of cocoa butter. But in other parts of the world any chocolate that contains more than 5% vegetable oil is not considered chocolate. Chocolates viscosity, luster, hardness, aroma are all affected by the blend and type of raw ingredients which causes differences in taste and texture.
Viscosity of chocolat
VISCO™ measurement examples
Spindle : A3L
Sample temperature : 40℃
Customer comments
A manufacturer of chocolate, jellies and syrups, test the viscosity of their products at their research lab during product development and while testing new products. They chose the VISCO because of its portability.