On a hot summer day, one tends to yearn for ice cream. Just the sight of ice cream can be refreshing. As of late, ice cream is eaten not only during summer but also during winter months many find eating ice cream in the comfort of their warm, cozy, room can be particularly satisfying, making ice cream popular all year round. During winter creamy and more flavorful ice creams tend to be preferred and it turns out that there is a particular reason for this. In the winter, the body’s metabolism increases to maintain body temperature and, concentrations of Leptin in the blood to decreases as fat decreases. When Leptin levels in the blood decrease the body tends to crave sugary foods and causes sugary foods to taste all the better. The key to the happiness one bite of ice cream can bring you is the smooth and melt in your mouth quality and behind all of it is the proper viscosity management.
Viscosity of Ice cream
VISCO™ measurement examples
Spindle : ULA
Sample temperature : 30℃